We all know the importance of giving real-time feedback, regularly. Especially when it comes to positive feedback that reinforces the right behaviours and boosts morale.

But with a full plate of back-to-back meetings, I get it, it can be hard to carve out the time to send those notes of encouragement.

When working virtually, let’s find simple moments to recognise individual superpowers, to help them shine and encourage team practices around sharing gratitude for each other. It does not always have to come from the boss.

Here are few ideas of how easy it can be to show kudos:

  • Encourage positive story sharing: at virtual team meetings (feedback can come from anyone in the team)

  • Show some love: when someone in the team does something great or shares good news, encourage the team to physically clap, drum roll, click fingers, schimmy their hands, virtual reactions or show love in any way that makes the team feel valued.

  • Set a dedicated team channel for sharing kudos: e.g. via slack channel: #weeklywins #shoutouts

  • Send kudos up the chain to the senior leaders: (a simple email does wonders) to ensure they are aware of great work and/or great behaviour.

  • Go ‘old school’: surprise them and send a handwritten card in the mail.

If you have not shown some love recently, make it a priority to send kudos to someone in your team and let them know you appreciate them, that they are valued. You might be pleasantly surprised by how you might just brighten up their day!

Keep smiling, look after yourself and your team!



Amplify Your Appreciation!

Never be too shy to Give Kudos!

Research shows that giving thanks, appreciation or practising gratitude for the positive aspects of our lives can, among other things, help you exercise more, sleep better and be happier.

Download our 'Team Challenge' and share with your team!

BLYTHE ROWE & Her Life on Heels.

The founder and director of Human Incite, is widely recognised for her passion, energy and her ability to shake things up. Blythe is brilliant at revving-up productivity and performance in organisations. She is on a mission to rid our workplaces of toxic behaviours, build meaningful relationships, personally and professionally and create workplaces worth belonging. Her enthusiasm simply is infectious!