On September 10th, we celebrated, R U OK? day here in Australia. It is actually one of my favourite initiatives, for a host of reasons.

Firstly, because at the moment there are a lot of us who, personally, is actually not OK.

John Brogden, CEO of Lifeline, reported that since the start of the pandemic, their daily call rate has risen from 2,600 per day to 3,100 calls per day.

That’s an increase of nearly 20%!

That’s potentially 20% of people in your world, who need to feel like someone cares, they need to feel they are not alone and they need to feel that they have the support and importantly, hope.

I also really love this day from a professional perspective. From my experience in the workplace bullying and harassment field, I categorically know how powerful these three simple words can be. For someone on the wrong side of crappy behaviour, who is not OK, but who might feel helpless or unsure of what to do, hearing these words is huge! It validates that they are not alone, that someone has noticed enough to check-in and empowers the individual to seek the help they need to resolve their issue.

Check out this quick video I posted on R U OK? day to remind us of the difference each of us can make to someone’s day or life, by connecting, reconnecting, showing you care and kickstarting a genuine conversation with the three simple words, R U OK?

These conversations are obviously not limited to taking place only on the 10th September each year. 

So, if you haven’t checked in on someone you care about recently, why not take the time today, pick up the phone, send them a message, send them a card, reconnect and show them you care!

Stay safe, keep learning



#2020Challenge: Kickstart a conversation!

R U OK? Day is actually one of my favourite initiatives from a professional perspective.

For someone on the wrong side of crappy behaviour, who is not OK, but who might feel helpless or unsure of what to do, hearing these words is huge!

Check-in and remind us of the difference each of us can make to someone’s day or life by kickstarting a genuine conversation!

Download our #2020Challenge and take part in our September Challenge to start a conversation today!

BLYTHE ROWE & Her Life on Heels.

The founder and director of Human Incite, is widely recognised for her passion, energy and her ability to shake things up. Blythe is brilliant at revving-up productivity and performance in organisations. She is on a mission to rid our workplaces of toxic behaviours, build meaningful relationships, personally and professionally and create workplaces worth belonging. Her enthusiasm simply is infectious!