I’ve been a slack ass! In terms of writing my blogs, anyway.

Let me explain. For the last seven years, I've had this ritual, whereby every two weeks, I religiously write and distribute my blog. But in the last six weeks, I have really dropped the ball. I’ve written nothing, nada.

I've been beating myself up about it and I keep adding it to the never-ending TO-DO-LIST. But funny enough, the more add it to the list (and fail to complete it), the less I seem to find the mojo to write it, and the guiltier I feel.

Has this ever happened to you?
The more you think you ‘should’ do something, the less you actually do it?
The less you do it, the guiltier you feel?

It’s a vicious cycle.

Whilst I've been a slack ass on the blog front, we have been super busy in terms of value-adding work with our clients. We’ve been really fortunate to run one of our masterclasses in LA and have been galavanting around the country, delivering new keynotes for new clients. So that’s been really exciting. Except, when I went to write the seemingly ‘simple blog’, I still could not muster up the motivation, nor headspace for it.

Then I realised, whilst I love writing and sharing our musings with our tribe, when we have loads of competing demands (which we all do) we have to make choices.

The key questions we need to ask ourselves are:

  • Right now, what am I aiming to achieve?

  • Based on this end goal, what is the best use of my energy and time?

  • Is what I am working on (actions and activities), going to produce the results I am seeking in the most effective way possible?

If the answer is NO, then we need to intentionally re-focus and re-prioritise our energy.

So that’s what I did. I knew in those past six weeks, I needed to focus my energy on other projects, activities (both professionally and personally) and I needed to do that with intention and without guilt.

Now that the craziness of the past six weeks is over, and these blogs are important to me, I once again have refocused, quit thinking about writing and just DID IT.

At times, in our professional and personal worlds, we might feel like we are being a slack ass. That we are dropping the ball in one thing or another.

Next time this happens to you, firstly don’t beat yourself up.
Give yourself permission to let go of something, without guilt.

Here's the deal-breaker, just ensure that the something you are letting go of, is not the one thing you need to do (not necessarily want to do) to get closer to the goal that you are aiming to achieve.

And then ‘Just Do It’ (JDI).

Here’s to a productive few more months of 2019.

Until next time (which I promise won’t be so long away), take care!


BLYTHE ROWE & Her Life on Heels.

The founder and director of Human Incite, is widely recognised for her passion, energy and her ability to shake things up. Blythe is brilliant at revving-up productivity and performance in organisations. She is on a mission to rid our workplaces of toxic behaviours, build meaningful relationships, personally and professionally and create workplaces worth belonging. Her enthusiasm simply is infectious!